Serge Lafrance est un conférencier régulier auprès d'auditoires professionnels et académiques, autant au Canada qu'à l'étranger.
- Winning in a new era : Futurists's perspectives of our industry. Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), Ivey Business School, and Michigan Ross School of Business. UNICON Director's Conference; Primary representative HEC Montréal, UNICON Board Member and Co-Chair Benchmarking Committee; 2024
- Empowering Executive Education; Ecole des dirigeants / Executive Education HEC Montréal - Canada; UNICON Team Development Conference; Primary representative HEC Montréal, Host of the Conference, Speaker: "Membership Benchmarking Survey Results"; UNICON Board Member, Co-Chair Benchmarking Committee and Co-Chair Continuity Committee; 2023
- Nurturing a more cooperative world through Executive Education; Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business (virtual); UNICON Annual Workshop; Primary representative HEC Montréal, UNICON Board Member and Co-Chair Benchmarking Committee; 2023
- Impact: Society, Learning and Business; Fundação Dom Cabral, Brazil; UNICON Director's Conference; Primary representative HEC Montréal, UNICON Board Member and Co-Chair Benchmarking Committee; 2023
- Responsible Leadership and sustainability; UBC Sauder School of Business - Canada; UNICON Team Development Conference; Primary representative of HEC Montréal, Speaker: "Membership Benchmarking Survey Results"; UNICON Board Member and Co-Chair Benchmarking Committee; 2022
- UNICON's First 50 years & The Future; Cornell University - USA; UNICON Director's conference; Primary representative of HEC Montréal, UNICON Board Member and Co-Chair Benchmarking Committee; 2022
- Role of Executive Education in Lifelong Learning: Building for What's Next; Johns Hopkins University Carey Business School - USA (virtual); UNICON Team Development Conference; Speaker: " Challenges facing the Executive Education Industry in the Covid context", Primary representative HEC Montréal and Off-Board Co-Chair of the UNICON Benchmarking Committee; 2021
- New Models in the Executive Education Industry: Demand and Supply; Fundação Dom Cabral - Brazil (virtual); UNICON Director's conference; Primary representative of HEC Montréal and Off-Board Co-Chair Benchmarking Committee of UNICON; 2021
- Shaping Executive Education in the Fourth Industrial Revolution through Inclusion, Intelligence, Innovation and Impact; Thunderbird School of Management Executive Education, Arizona State University, USA (virtual); UNICON Team Development Conference; Primary representative of HEC Montréal and Benchmarking Committee member of UNICON; 2020
- Innovation Through Connection; Yale CT-USA (virtual); UNICON Annual Workshop; Primary representative HEC Montréal and Benchmarking Committee member of UNICON; 2020
- Exploring the future world of work and lifetime learning; Darden University, Washington D.C., USA (virtual); UNICON Director's conference; Primary representative of HEC Montréal and UNICON Benchmarking Committee member; 2020
- Leading Executive Education in a Changing World; Santa Clara University, USA; UNICON Team Development Conference; Primary representative of HEC Montréal and Benchmarking Committee member of UNICON; 2019
- ROI in Executive Education; Rutgers University, USA; UNICON Annual Workshop; Primary representative of HEC Montréal and Benchmarking Committee member of UNICON; 2019
- In Search of Identity for Creating the Future in Executive Education; Moscow School of Management Skolkovo, Russia; UNICON Director's Conference; Primary representative of HEC Montréal and Benchmarking Committee member of UNICON; 2019
- Executive Education & Beyond: Growth through Unique Partnerships; University of Maryland, Robert H. Smith School of Business, USA / UNICON Team Development Conference; Primary representative of HEC Montréal; 2018
- Gallup International Association (GIA) - NGO's & NPO's Global Barometer 2013 (55 pays); Plusieurs conférences données auprès d'organisations mondiales: Amnesty International (London,UK); OXFAM (Oxford, UK); World Healthcare Organization (Geneva, Switzerland); Care (Geneva, Switzerland); World Economic Forum (Cologny, Switzerland); Unicef (Geneva, Switzerland); International Organization of Migration (Geneva, Switzerland); WWF (Gland, Switzerland); Red Cross (Geneva, Switzerland); UNHCR (Geneva, Switzerland); World Trade Organization (Geneva, Switzerland); Fevrier/Mars 2013
- Gallup International Association (GIA) - NGO's & NPO's Global Barometer 2012 (55 pays); Plusieurs conférences données auprès d'organisations mondiales; World Healthcare Organization (Geneva, Switzerland); Transparency International (Berlin, Germany); Unicef (Geneva, Switzerland); International Trade Center (Geneva, Switzerland); Red Cross (Geneva, Switzerland); Septembre/Octobre 2012
- Accelerating Excellence, Celebrating 65 years; ESOMAR Congress, participant et representant WIN - Gallup International Association (GIA), Septembre 9-12; Atlanta, USA 2012
- Challenges and Opportunities in Sustainable Development for the Private Sector, World Bank Program, - Participant mission commerciale - May 21- 24, Washington, DC, USA
- 65th WIN/GIA (Gallup International Association), International annual conference, Istanbul, Turkey; Americas leader representative & WIN/GIA Academic Committee leader 2012
- Développer des affaires hors Québec; Montreal.AD/ Advertising Week; New York, USA 2011
- 64th WIN/GIA (Gallup International Association), International Annual Conference; Moscow, Russia 2011
- Global Marketing Research: Trends and Challengers; 63rd WIN/GIA (Gallup International Association), International Annual Conference; Vienna, Austria, 2010
- 61st WIN/GIA (Gallup International Association), International Annual Conference; Madrid, Spain 2008
- Regional adaptation of Multinationals: Wal-Mart’s Quebec case study, ESOMAR International Conference, Montreal, Canada 2008
- Web Survey and Representativeness : With Close to 3 in 10 Canadian Not Having Web Access, Should We Care ? Marketing Research Intelligence Association (MRIA), Annual Conference, Open Skies – Open Minds, Winnipeg, Canada 2008
- Qui est infidèle ? L’entreprise ou le client ; L’Express – série conférences; Ontario, Canada 2008
- The Disloyal Company, 60th Gallup International Association (GIA); International Annual Conference; Luxembourg, 2007
- What Canadians Think About Marketing and Market Research; Market Research Intelligence Association (MRIA), Annual Conference; Our changing communities, Collingwood, Canada 2007
- New Canadians, New Attitudes: Building Loyalty; Marketing Magazine Conference, Montreal, Canada 2007
- Les entreprises les plus admirées du Québec, Club St-James ; Leger Marketing/Journal Les Affaires, Montréal, Canada 2007
- Online Surveys and Results Validity; 59th Gallup International Association (GIA), International Annual Conference; Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2006
- Le public vous juge, Congrès de l’assurance et de l’investissement, Montréal, Canada 2006
- The Reputation Index, Consulat of Canada, Philadelphia, USA 2006
- Sondages en ligne et validité des résultats ; Marketing Research Intelligence Association (MRIA), Annual Conference Conquer Summits; Calgary, Canada 2006
- 58th Gallup International Association (GIA) International Annual Conference; Belgrade, Serbia & Montenegro 2005
- Les sondages par Internet : validité ; Journée Infopresse, Montréal, Canada 2005
- 56th Gallup International Association (GIA); International annual conference; Estoril, Portugal 2003
- Le parlementarisme et les médias, Assemblée Nationale du Québec ; Québec, Canada 1998
- Brand Extension: Reactions of consumer loyal to the core brand ; Annual Advanced Consumer Research (ACR) conference, Denver, USA 1997
- Le marketing direct : état des recherches ; Congrès IAE, Ecole Supérieure Universitaire de Gestion (ESUG), Toulouse, France 1996
- Genèse d’une discipline : le marketing direct, visions historique et épistémologique ; Ecole Supérieure Universitaire de Gestion (ESUG), Toulouse, France 1995
- Les effets de la pratique de l’extension de marque : l’impact du niveau de fidélité des consommateurs ; congrès de l’Association Française du Marketing (AFM), Reims, France 1995
- The Negative Impact of Brand Extension : The Moderating Role of Brand Loyalty ; Annual conference of the European Marketing Academy, University of Limburg ; Maastricht, Netherlands 1994